Working on webservice bugs relating to Patient Data Management (Obsadmin) guide-step-by-step
This guide walks a react front developer(who may not understand the web service code base) through adding fixing set of web service bugs. There is a separate guide for core developers.
If you want to jump to creating or adding new endpoints, you can find tips HERE
Note: Before you even fork the repo, ensure that you have read through the conventions section on the REST Web Services API For Clients page. Your work should follow similar conventions.
Step-by-step guide
Follow the steps below:
Create the ticket under For how to create a ticket, check this TIP. When you create a ticket, it starts in a "Needs Assessment", or "In Backlog/Ready for Analysis" state. Do not work on it until when some one assesses it and eventually makes it "Ready for Work" or "Waiting for Dev".
Fork the repo and do the other Git work flow. You can find tip HERE
Depending on bug you want to fix, it is always important to know where to look. At this stage, you can ask the community via TALK or IRC. But below is summary of where to look, for some common PDMO issues:
Openmrs1_8 (path is This includes most of the PDMO issues,like obs,encounter,patient...etc excluding visit
Openmrs_1.9 (path is For issue with Visit, first place to look.
Remember to write your tests.
Generate your OMOD file by running
mvn clean install
To locate the OMOD file, go to and locate the file with .OMOD extension.
Install the OMOD file on your stand alone by replacing(remember to make a copy of the existing file incase things go wrong) the existing webservice module in your standalone and restart
If outcome is as expected, go ahead and raise your PR, and request for Code review on Jira.
Update to include all other projects (Not just PDMO) coming soon