The OpenMRS community is working hard to assemble a complete User Guide, including everything you need to know about installing, configuring, and using OpenMRS in your environment. We encourage everyone involved with the project to help refine and add to this documentation!
New to OpenMRS? Begin with the Guide for the New and Curious.
The OpenMRS Guide is available online and can be downloaded as a PDF. You can also find the guide on the Documentation Home page.
The Implementers Guide describes everything from product evaluation to launching your site. This includes evaluating whether OpenMRS meets your needs, organizational and technical requirements, installation, and designing concepts and forms.
The Administrator Guide documents day to day tasks after launch. These include systems administration, adding new users, and maintaining forms and concepts.
The User Guide is for clinicians, data clerks, and other end users. It describes everyday tasks like logging in and finding a patient record.
User Guide for the Reference Application.
Read about system requirements.
Installing an OpenMRS server or client.
Information about using OpenMRS.
For implementers & administrators, learn how to administer your OpenMRS server(s).
Information about data management.
Information and links to Training Resources
The OpenMRS Community is here for you!