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System configuration: (windows vista/7/8)

Step1: Install Firefox

Step 2: Install Java

Note: If you are unsure about the version please follow this guide from Microsoft

Step 3: Install Tomcat

           1.    Your operating system might bring an error message that indicates that you do not have sufficient privileges to save the file. Then it will ask you to save it in a different directory.
           2.    You need to save the file in the current directory, right-click on the file “tomcat-users” and click on Properties, at the bottom of the menu.
           3.    Navigate to the “Security” tab
           4.    Select the username you are currently using on the machine
           5.    Click the “Edit” button
           6.    Permissions table will allow you to edit your privileges as a user.
           7.    Click on Full Control then click OK and then OK again
           8.    Now, you should be able to edit and save the file in the same directory.

Note: Tomcat might fail to run as a service, for this you can manually start it by navigating to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
Then find the service called “Apache Tomcat”, right click > Properties then you can either click the “start” button or set “Startup Type” to automatic.

Step 4: Install MySQL

Note: MySQL might fail to run as a service, for this you can manually start it by navigating to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
Then find the service called “MySQL”, right click > Properties then you can either click the “start” button or set “Startup Type” to automatic.