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OpenMRS Developers Forum 2014-07-31
Agenda & Notes:
Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
OpenMRS 2.1 Planning - How do we release 2.1 in September 2014? What can be done?
- Some features/changes added in recent design calls
- TODO: Chris to schedule how this will get done (or find out if Darius is going to address reporting for 2.1)
- CIEL Dictionary – what should be included?
- TODO: Burke & Darius need to pair on getting test environment working
- Improvements to Permissions
- Needs clear goals defined
- TODO: Wyclif to help schedule review of account manager on a design forum.
- What may get dropped from OpenMRS 2.1
- When is Allergy Sprint going to happen?
- When do features move out of the platform?
- Probably with OpenMRS 2.2 (in March 2015)
After Action Review
- What did you expect to happen?
- What can we do different?
Preview next meeting agenda
- OpenMRS Modules directory and how to hack & improve the Modulus platform

- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)