This page has become obsolete. See the Detailed Technical Roadmap for current information.


Our current goal is to get a decent starter feature set into the OpenMRS Reference EMR and have it tested and packaged into a new standalone in time for the 2013 OpenMRS Implementers Conference in October 2013.

Reference Implementations

Before we consider a feature to be complete, we believe it should be tested in production in a real-life OpenMRS implementation. That would be the "reference implementation" for the feature in question. It would provide feedback about the specific requirements and user experience of the feature, and help define the feature's future needs.

The tables below indicate both the status of coding up a feature in the RefApp codebase, as well as whether we've identified a reference implementation for that feature, and its status there.

(At present, Mirebalais plays an out-sized role here, but the goal is to have different reference implementations for different features. We still need to define a process around this.)

OpenMRS 2.1

FeatureDescriptionStatusReference Implementation
Allergy ListManage & view patient allergies (e.g., on the patient dashboard)

Static Demo DataFaster and predictable demo data

Form EntrySupport for incorporating implementation-specific forms using HTML Form Entry and XForms


Future Features

FeatureDescriptionStatusReference Implementation
ReportingDemonstrates the reporting framework by allowing you view a report containing some summary statistics for your system.

Implemented in Mirebalais with PIH-specific code. Needs to be ported to RefApp codebase

CIEL DictionaryIncluding CIEL dictionary (or most of it) out of the box

Account ManagerManage your users & providers, including roles & privileges, disable accounts, etc.

Implemented in Mirebalais. Needs design review and porting to RefApp codebase

Improvements to PermissionsAvoid giving all API privileges to users

Retrospective data entryBasic support for retrospective data entry within the Reference Application

Ad Hoc Analysis tool (v1) 


Problem ListManage & view patient problems (e.g., on the patient dashboard and integrated with diagnosis capture)

Anonymous PatientsSupport for unnamed John Doe patients

Implemented in Mirebalais. Needs to be ported to RefApp codebase

Clinician Facing Patient Dashboard (v2)Patient summary and dashboard designed for doctors and nurses

Merge PatientsMerge duplicate patient records into one.

Implemented in Mirebalais. Needs to be ported to RefApp codebase

Test PatientsSupport for tagging & recognizing test/fake patients, so they can be ignored within reports.

Implemented in Mirebalais. Needs to be ported to RefApp codebase

Patient Lookup (v2)Search for a patient by name or ID

Additional Administrative FunctionsConcept Management, Manage Locations, App Manager, ...
Simple DispensingA form to record medication dispensing events within the patient record

Registration (v2)Add new patients to the system

Decision Support (v1)The first trivial example of providing decision-support feedback (includes significant design and back-end discussions)  
Clinical EncounterRecord the entire clinical transaction piece-by-piece as part of a Session, as opposed to via a Form.  
Patient Listse.g. "My Patients", "Inpatients on Service XYZ", etc. (Related to RA-202.)  
Program Enrollmentsv1: capturing this data; v2: drive available forms/actions based on program state  
Easy Chart Review / FlowsheetsReviewing the patient's whole electronic record for data points of interest (also has been called "Chart Search")  

See also