Primary mentor

 Brandon Istenes                       

Backup mentor

Assigned to

Anjula Samarasinghe 


Re-do legacy UI cohort builder in 3. x. In addition to supporting all current functionality, would also like to be able to save search history.

Required Skills





Project Rating and length


175 hours



Detailed Project Report

The Cohort Builder is a tool in OpenMRS 3.0 in the Reporting Compatibility module that lets the user perform ad-hoc queries for patients with defined characteristics, and combines multiple queries into more complex ones. The Cohort Builder 3.0 have the following features.

Searching by observations gives the user the option to search via concepts or observations existing in the system. This component has an input to search and a to search including verbose or without verbose.

This is where a history of executed searches is saved and displayed to the user, each search can be saved either as a cohort or as a definition. There are 4 fields under this component, namely

  1. Query: This is where the name or description of the query is displayed
  2. Query Definition Options
    1. Save: This saves a definition to the database
    2. Delete: This removes a definition from the search history
  3. Results: This contains a list of all the patients contained in the search result
  4. Query Definition Options
    1. Save: This saves a cohort to the database
    2. Delete: This removes a definition from the search history

Searching by demographics is where the user can create cohorts using the demographics and patient attributes.

There are 5 demographic search options namely:

  1. Gender - Search by gender option
  2. Age - Filter patient search results by age range i.e. 0-14
  3. Birthdate - Filter patient search results by birthdate range ie 20 Feb 1988 - 03 May 2006
  4. Alive - Search only for patients who are alive.
  5. Dead - Search for deceased patients.

    Search for patients using personal attributes

There are 10 person attributes search options:

  1. Birthplace filter by place of birth
  2. Citizenship - Filter patient results by specifying their country of origin
  3. Civil Status
  4. Health Center - Filter by details of health centre attended by patients
  5. Health District allows you to filter by similar health districts
  6. Mother’s Name - Filter by similar mother’s name
  7. Race - Filter results by the patient's racial background
  8. Telephone number - Filter by similar phone numbers
  9.  Unknown patient
  10. Test patient

This allows the user to search for patients with specific information that further describes them.

Search by Encounter uses to search patients with a specific type of activity or encounter. For example, check-in, check-out, transfer, admission etc.

There are 5 search options namely: -

  1. Of Type allows you to filter by the type of the encounter
  2. The location allows you to filter by the location of the encounter
  3. At least this many allows you to filter by the minimum encounter count
  4. Up to this many allows you to filter by the maximum encounter type
  5. From - To allows you to filter by the date range in which the encounter(s) occurred.

Search by location allows the user to search for patients by the encounter location. Ex: Amani hospital, inpatient ward, isolation ward etc.

Here the filters will be applied according to the following:-

Patients belonging to a group of encounters from a specific location.

According to the timeline of the encounter

Searching by program enrollments has the following fields required by the user to perform the search.


Date Ranges for the following

In The Program

Enrolled in the program

Completed the program

Saved definitions search gives the user the option to search for a saved cohort or definition, it has two fields,

  1. Search Saved Definitions allows the user to search for a saved definition by its name
  2. Search Saved Cohort allows the user to search for a saved cohort by its name

Search for patients taking specific drugs

  1. Drugs
  2. Care setting
  3. When

Weekly Reports


Issue NumberIssue LinkPull RequestStatus
O3-1311 Initial setup of the projectMerged
O3-1300 Implement search by concept componentMerged
O3-1385 Write unit tests to test the componentsMerged
O3-1302 Implement the Search History componentMerged
O3-1394 Update the UI according to the new designMerged
O3-1303 Implement the search by demographics and person attributes featureMerged
O3-1304 Implement the search by encounters and search by location featureMerged
O3-1417 Use SWR for data fetchingMerged
O3-1305 Implement the search by enrollments featureMerged
O3-1427 Add the deploy job to the workflowMerged
REPORT-890 Add the missing api module dependencyMerged
O3-1309 Implement the search definitions featureMerged
O3-1443 Improve the tablet and small desktop layoutMerged
O3-1306 Implement the search by drug order featureMerged
O3-1445 Add search composition featureMerged
O3-1471 Add css to fix the broken UI layoutMerged
O3-1472 Fix the tests that were skipped due to the migrationMerged
O3-1482 Wrap the global selectors with a custom classMerged

Medium Articles

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Meeting Notes

24th of August 2022
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Final Presentation


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