About Feedback Module v2.0

Basically Feedback module provides a mechanism for users to communicate with system Supporters/Admins with system-related (non-patient-specific) messages. In this new version of Feedback module provides a really cool feature which will automatically Capture the Screenshot and allow user to edit it (highlight/blackout) within Web Browser itself. So this will reduce the time taken to process Screenshots manually. And the users will able to submit their problem/feedback directly to the most responsible person rather than same Admin. Multiple OpenMRS users can be mapped into a single Feedback Ticket by Admin, So faster problem solving can be happen. User-to-User communication is a great way to interact with other users regarding a Feedback Ticket in this new version of Feedback Module.


Browser Compatibility


To install the Feedback Module download the distribution .omod package from here at OpenMRS Module Repository and upload it into your OpenMRS system.

Roles and Privileges

Administers need to apply "Add Feedback" privilege for particular user roles.

Usage and How-To

User Access

Admin Access

Additional usage instructions and explanation.

Known Issues

Report Issues

Release Notes




Developer Docs.

v1.0 Development

v2.0 Development

Source Code



This module was initially developed by Gaurav Paliwal and enhanced by Harsha Siriwardena for GSoC 2012, Project Lead by Ben Wolfe