Chart Search Module


The Chart Search Module is just what it sounds to be, "search Patient Chart", this module has been developed to allow the user to search for patient data such as in an abstract form observations, encounters, forms etc. in this case consider data like diagnoses, vitals, problem list, findings related to patient among others.

  • The module serves as a tool for rapid perusal of patient data.

  • The user can also filter returned results using several ways as category, time among others

If your need is related to the above, then just turn your eyes and fix them straight to none other than this module and you will have a remarkable experience with the power of search using Solr.

To get the chartsearch page:

  1. Login into OpenMRS reference application and having installed the chartsearch module, go the the home page of the reference application.

  2. Select the search widget of a patient, by pressing the Find Patient Record button which will get you to .../coreapps/findpatient/ page.

  3. Search for a patient whose data you want to search and you will land onto the Patient page that may be like: .../openmrs/coreapps/clinicianfacing/ 

  4. If the chartsearch is installed, you should be able to see the chartsearch extension or link at your right on that page under General Actions, click the link and you will be on to the main chartsearch page


Screen-shots and Presentations (version-1.0).

filtering with finding returns them only                                             searching for a bunch of words with out double quotes searches each  

                                                                                                       word separately and searching 36 returns 36 and 36.*

searching against a specific field                                                     same as directly above

Search for "blood pressure" returns only results with a specific phrase "blood pressure"

Mid term presentation GSoC 2014:

Final presentation GSoC 2014:


Mid term presentation GSoC 2015:



Download Chart Search Module 1.0



  • @Kaweesi Joseph

  • @Eli Zil

  • @tal Levi

  • @Or Hemi

  • @Zhaslan Doschanov