Addon Manager Open Web App

Addon Manager Open Web App

What is an Addon?

An Addon refers to an additional application that can be added to an OpenMRS instance to provide additional functionality on top of the core functionality. OpenMRS Addons comprise of both Open Web Apps and Modules.

What is the Addon manager?

The Addon manager open web app, is an OpenMRS tool used to manage the uploading, installation, upgrading, deleting and viewing of OpenMRS addons.

Why use Addon manager?

The Addon manager provides a very simple and easy to use UI for managing OpenMRS add-ons


What This Open Web App Does


    • Enables one to view a list of all installed addons and their running status

    • Enables one to search the addon index for an addon by key words in name and description

    • Enables one to install an addon directly from the addon index by clicking on an install button

    • Enables one to download an addon file from the addon index

    • Enables one to upload an addon file from the local system by selecting the file or by dragging and dropping the file

    • Enables one to delete an installed add-on

    • Enables one to start and stop add-ons of the module type

    • Enables one to check for newer versions of installed add-ons from the Addon index and optionally choose to directly upgrade to the newer version or download the file


To download the Addon Manager Open Web App, please go to the OpenMRS addon manager repository here:



  • Team Lead

    • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • Developers

    • @Jedidiah Omadoye

    • @Njuguna Millicent

    • @Paul Upendo

    • @Kingdom Orjiewuru