Configuring the Reference Application

The Reference application has a number of configuration options for the implementer. This section and subsequent pages describe each configuration option. We use the term "app" to describe each of the buttons you see on the home page. For example, you click Find Patient to access the Find Patient app or Configure Metadata>Manage Forms to access the Manage Forms app.

General Configuration Apps

Configure Metadata

  • Manage Forms
    This app allows you to manage the forms that are displayed in the General Actions and Current Visit Actions navigation menus (blue box on the patient summary and top of visits page)

System Administration

  • Manage Apps (Available in Reference Application 2.2+)
    This app allows you to custom configure applications through the user interface. This allows you to customize your implementation without having to build a module.

  • OpenMRS Atlas
    This app allows you to share your implementation details and physical location with the OpenMRS team. It's an optional configuration, but allows the team to track how the system is being used.

  • Style Guide
    This app provides information for developers to ensure a consistent experience across features. It includes base styles, Javascript elements and test pages. The main reason a system administrator might want to use this app, is to see the available icons that he/she can use (for Manage Apps or Manage Forms)

  • Advanced Administration
    This app takes you to the administration screen of OpenMRS which allows administrators to configure the system including locations, users, addresses, manage forms, concepts, reporting, etc. 

Data Management

  • Merge Patient Electronic Records (Available in OpenMRS 2.2)
    This app allows you to merge patient records. This is commonly used by active system administrators. 

Patient Identifier

  • Displaying your own Patient Identifier Type as Patient ID in the header section (OpenMRS 2.x) is done by changing the "Primary Identifier Type" field (Admin -> Settings -> Emr) to match the UUID of the Patient Identifier Type you want to use (default would be OpenMRS ID)


Configuring Other Apps (Advanced)

Some apps are configurable, though they don't have specific friendly screens and so it requires you to do things in a low-level and advanced way.