Adding OWA Icon to the Reference Application Homepage

Adding OWA Icon to the Reference Application Homepage

If you have developed an OWA under OpenMRS, then you can only access through OpenWebApps Module -> Manage Apps dashboard. So every time user wants to go there to open the required OWA. There is an easy way to maintain your OWA for the user's access, you can easily create an Icon for you OWA  on the reference application home page. Then, the user can simply click on that Icon to use the required OWA. 

Follow this steps to add OWA Icon to Reference homepage,

  1. Click System Administration Icon in the home page

  2. Then click Manage Apps Icon in the System Administration page. Then you can see the Manage Apps dash board as follows,



In the Manage Apps dashboard, you can see a lot of applications/OWA listed. If you would like to add you OWA also, Just click on Add App Definition button. In the Add App Definition window, you will be required these following data (all are required),

  1. App ID - Your OWA application ID. (Eg: sysadmin)

  2. Definition - You should create a definition for your OWA

Definition for the Add App Icons

Just edit on this following commands as your needs, and Insert into the Definition box in the Add App Definition window.

Home Page Link Config
{ "id": "sysadmin", "description": "OpenMRS System Administration", "order": 0, "extensions": [ { "id": "demoapp.homepageLink", "extensionPointId": "org.openmrs.referenceapplication.homepageLink", "type": "link", "label": "Sys Admin", "url": "owa/systemadminstration-1.1/index.html", "icon": "icon-list-alt", "requiredPrivilege": "Replace with a privilege name, or else remove" } ] }







 You can mention your OWA ID


Simple description about your OWA


Order your Application Icon in the Reference application homepage (0,1,2,.....)


Text under your Icon on the home page


Which URL wanted to open when user click that Icon on the homepage (Should be added with the version tag in this format : owa/name-version/abcd.html)


Which Icon wanted to show on the homepage.

You can see the available icons at http://demo.openmrs.org/openmrs/uicommons/icons.page.


If you have successfully added an App definition, then you can see the updated list with your application in Add App Definition Dashboard. You can Disable/ Edit (Only app definition)/ Delete you application definition using the actions. 

Finally, you can see the Icon which is referred to your application.