Using the M2Eclipse Maven Plugin in Eclipse
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Eclipse 4.5+
Apache MavenĀ 3.0.0 or later (from
M2Eclipse plugin (see theStep by Step Installation for Developersfor information on installing the M2Eclipse plugin into Eclipse)Eclipse 4.5+ ( Eclipse (Luna) ) comes pre-packaged with support for Maven, GIT and Java 8.
Checkout Source and Create Project
File ā New ā Project ā Checkout Maven Projects From SCM
For SCM, choose 'svn' and browse to the project (
In older versions of the m2eclipse Eclipse plugin (prior to 0.11.0), you have an option to place all modules within a single project; this feature is deprecated as of m2eclipse 0.11.0.
Click Advanced, and uncheck "separate projects for modules" (if that doesn't exist, change m2eclipse setting in Window ā Preferences ā Maven ā Support multiple maven modules)Click Finish to download and create the Maven project(s).
Note: If you get the following error while trying to check out the code, switch the SVN URL from http to https. (i.e.Ā
checkout -r HEAD --depth=infinity --force
RA layer request failed
svn: REPORT of '/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read status line: connection was closed by server (
Develop with Maven
There are five projects shown in the workspace: openmrs, openmrs-api, openmrs-test, openmrs-tools, openmrs-web, and openmrs-webapp. The openmrs project is a parent project. When we run any maven goal on the parent project, it will run the same goal on its children, according to the dependency order. A Maven menu item is added on the context menu, which lets you modify the pom.xml, manage dependencies and plugins, etc. Common maven goals are also added on the menu items Run As and Debug As. You can also create your own Maven Run Configurations.
How to run the build
Right click the openmrs project to bring up the context menu, select "Run as ā Maven build..." (notice the "..." at the end)
Enter the Goals:
clean install
Make sure the Maven Runtime at the bottom is correct for your installation (Configure for Embedded/External as necessary)
Select Apply, then Run
The build output will be displayed in the Console.
The output contains links to the results of each test.
To re-run the build, right click the root project to bring up the context menu, select "Run as -> Maven build."Ā If you have multiple configurations, select the "clean install" one to run.
To manage these configurations, right click the root project to bring up the context menu, select "Run as -> Run configurations...".Ā Select the configuration under the Maven Build section.
How to run Junit
If you want to run all tests across modules, select Openmrs project and right click to bring context menu, select "Run As ā Maven test"
If you want to run all tests in one module, select that project and right click to bring context menu, select "Run As ā Maven test"
If you want to run a single test class,right click on test class and select "Run As ā Junit test"
How to Run Web Application
Create a run configuration by click "Run ā Run Configurations", select Maven Build and click "New launch configuration", type Name "OpenMRS", select working directory to be the root of webapp project, type goal "jetty:run" and save. Now you select "OpenMRS" and run or debug it.
On the JRE tab, in the VM parameters box, you will want to put in your memory parameters, e.g.
-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=128m
If on running, you get error messages including this: " Address already in use", most likely the default 8080 port is in use. You may want to change to any other different port for jetty. For instance if you want to change to port 8081, then on the JRE tab, in the VM parameters box, add something like this: -Djetty.port=8081
See Troubleshooting Memory ErrorsĀ or Performance TuningĀ or Increasing Memory for Maven
Jetty is currently configured to reload static resources like jsp, javascript files, etc. Changes to Java classes will require recompiling and restarting Jetty. (run maven:compile goal (if auto build is not enabled) and restart Jetty).
How to Profile Web Application with YourKit
Set up a run configuration as specified in "How to Run Web Application" but in the JRE tab, set the -agentpath VM option as specified in the YourKit docs. Common values:
Linux x86, 32-bit Java: -agentpath:<profiler directory>/bin/linux-x86-32/
Mac OS X: -agentpath:<profiler directory>/bin/mac/libyjpagent.jnilib
Windows, 32-bit Java: -agentpath:<profiler directory>\bin\win32\yjpagent.dll
(This assumes you have YourKit installed already.)
How to Debug Web Application
Jetty plugin can pick up any changes of static resources, so changes of jsp, property or css files don't require a restart. However changes of java class will have to restart. The following solutions could help in some situations.
JVM Hotswap
Not yet documented.
Hot Deploy
Not yet documented.
Use JRebel
Here is how you configure JRebel to work with OpenMRS
Download JRebel and install it.
Install JRebel plugin for Eclipse and restart. JRebel plugin for Eclipse.
Specify location of JRebel installation
Tick "Use Step filters" and also add com.zeroturnaround.* and org.zeroturnaround.* to the filters Tick "filter synthetic fields"
Configure JRebel Agent Setting provided by JRebel installation
Untick "Spring Framework Plugin"Change "OpenMRS" Run configuration to increase Permgen and enable JRebel. or Debug "OpenMRS"
When you change any java classes, just wait for eclipse auto build to finish, reload the web page, and JRebel will reload the class for you.