Developer How-To Setup And Use Netbeans


Netbeans is a free, community developed opensource IDE which can be used for programming in a host of languages like Java, C/C++, Ruby, Python. Most developers from the OpenMRS community work on Eclipse IDE, but open-source means you have the choice to use your own tools and this How-To Guide is directed to developers who want to develop OpenMRS using Netbeans IDE.

Tools Required

  1. Netbeans IDE with Web & Java EE Bundle (Tutorial uses v7.0)

  2. Git and SVN client (optional, but recommended for easy checkout and commit of code)
    The above plugins can be installed from the Plugins Manager found under Tools->Plugins. You can also check that the Base IDE already has the Git and Subversion Support Installed. You just need a Git and Subversion Client.

Steps to work on OpenMRS 1.8 and higher (mavenized source)

Follow the steps mentioned here: Using Maven in Netbeans

Screenshots from Netbeans