2011-04-11 Development Sprint

General Info

Topic: Core Bug Fixes

Leads: @Ben Wolfe

Kickoff Meeting Date and Time:

Date: April 11th - April 17th 2011


  • @Ben Wolfe

  • @Darius Jazayeri (5-10%)

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • Suranga Nath Kasthurirathne

  • @Saptarshi Purkayastha

  • Harsha Halgaswatta

  • @Jeremy Keiper (AMPATH-related tickets)

  • @Mike Seaton (I will try to do a ticket or two)

  • @Balachandiran Ajanthan

  • Add your name here


See the Customized April 2011 Sprint JIRA Dashboard for the current status and links to tickets and fancy charts.

Or see the full list of tickets here:

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Review from previous sprint

What could be done better:

  • Use #openmrs-sprint for ALL debugging and random questions having to do with the sprint.  Please try to avoid using personal contacts.  The group chat is there so that everyone can get help.  If you have a question, someone else probably does too.

  • Create a "How to Join" section for late-comers. (see below)

How to Join

  1. Add your name to the list above.

  2. If during a sprint:

    1. pick out an unassigned ticket from the list above and click "Claim Issue"

    2. Work on the ticket

    3. Attach a Patches and click "Request Code Review"

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