Concept Attributes

Concept Attributes

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This project creates attributes for Concept.


  1. Add Concept_Attribute and Concept_Attribute_Type tables per new paradigm.

  2. Modify admin page to maintain Concept_Attributes and Concept_Attribute_Types

  3. Modify web services to expose Concept_Attribute and Concept_Attribute_Type as resources.


OpenMRS 2.0 onwards


The design will be same as location or provider attributes. The schema will look like below:

  1. concept_attribute_type



         2. concept_attribute



The concept, concept attribute and concept attribute type will be mapped in concept_attribute table. The value for concept attribute will be stored in value_reference column in concept_attribute table.

Functional Guide

  1. Navigate to the "Manage Concept Attributes Types" link in OpenMRS Administration page.


2. Add "New Concept Attribute Type". The "format" of the attribute will define the type of UI element to be shown. For e.g., if the attribute type is text, a textbox will be shown. Similarly, if it is of type date, then a calendar is displayed. The "label" on the UI is taken from the "name" of the attribute.


3. Values for concept attributes will be recorded while adding a new concept or editing an existing concept.


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