Patient Data Management OWA

Patient Data Management OWA


OpenMRS currently contains a legacy model for managing patient data which includes modules for: patient details, visits,  encounters and observations.

These will be migrated to OWA using ReactJS and make them connected to avoid the current separate user interfaces.


  • Visit

Following a visit to the health clinic, patient may receive several kinds of care and services example: see a clinician, have an X-ray taken, and be given a lab test. These services once recorded in the electronic form make up the encounters. A visit can have one to several encounters. 

Therefore a visit can be viewed as the root of encounters and observations.

  • Encounter

An encounter can be defined as any service or interaction at the health clinic that is filled in an electronic form .It could also be a touch-screen patient registration or a single lab test for CD4.

It can consist of zero to several observations.

  • Observation

Anything actively measured or observed during an encounter examples: patients' weights, heights, blood pressures, and BMIs are observations etc


scenarios showing visit, encounters,observation.

  • One visit with one encounter without observations – Touch screen patient registration in Haiti

  • One visit with one encounter with one observation – Touch screen patient registration in Rwinkwavu, Rwanda with weight recorded

  • One visit with one encounter and many observations – HIV followup form

  • One visit with multiple encounters and many observations – HIV followup form along with ART drug regimen pickup.  This would show 2 encounters, where each encounter would have a different encounter id and encounter type.

Purpose of this Module:

This module will ensure that we bring the currently separated modules together to ensure blissful experience for the user. 

Functionality Description:

Once logged in, a user will be able to search for a patient. 

Choose patient from the filtered list and will be redirected to a page consisting of that patient's details including:

  • identifiers

  • names

  • addresses

  • demographics

  • visits and encounters

On these, s/he will be able to manage this information by adding, editing, deleting and undeleting.


Team Lead:

  • @Daniel Kayiwa
