Generic Tagging Module

Generic Tagging Module



This Module provides a generic mechanism that allows users to annotate domain objects with simple text labels/tags, these labels can be useful in various ways e.g to group data and generating work queues. 

What this module does

  • Allows a user to add a string tag to any OpenmrsObject

  • Allow a user to remove a tag from an OpenmrsObject

  • Supports searching of tags by multiple parameters. One can search for tag by providing the following parameters:-  
           1) Searching based on String "tag"
           2) Searching based on the Object Type( Java Class Name) and Tag (String) . for ex:- object type:- "org.openmrs.Concept" tag="Important"
           3) Searching based on the Object Type( Java Class Name) and Object Uuid (String) . for ex:- object type:- "org.openmrs.Concept" object uuid="89e9fec8-d262-47c3-8919-24826fcbf153"

  • Provides a fragment extension to the patient dashboard allowing the adding and removing of tags on  a Patient.

  • Provides UI for searching of all Patients with a particular tag.

Documentation / How-To

Refer to Generic Tagging Module - User Guide


Download Link: TODO

Project Source Code : - http://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-tag/


Release Notes



This module was developer by @Jai Tatia for  Summer Of Code 2017