UI Framework
The UI Framework module introduces a custom user interface framework built on top of Spring MVC that will be the basis of the OpenMRS 2.x web application, and can also be used in OpenMRS 1.8.4+.
Download link: https://modules.openmrs.org/modules/view.jsp?module=uiframework
Source code: https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-uiframework.
Release notes and bug reports: UIFR JIRA project.
Version Numbers
Note that the major version numbers of the UI Framework module are significant, and each major version upgrade (1.x, 2.x, 3.x, etc) introduces backwards-incompatible changes. See Backwards-Compatibility across UI Framework major versions.
Getting Started
Getting Started: Using the UI Framework in Your Module
Introductory Tutorial: UI Framework Step By Step Tutorial
OpenMRS University: Using the UI Framework Module
Flexible Method Signatures for UI Framework Controller and Action Methods
Type Converters: what they are, and how to write and register them
UI Framework Reference Guide (currently a FAQ, hopefully to expanded into complete documentation)
Note that this module provides only a framework and no real content. The UI Commons module provides reusable UI content.