How to disable a radio button when a condition is met
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Example: How to disable a radio button "No" when "Yes" is chosen?
1) Right click on the radio button "No" and choose "Option Button Properties"
2) Click on "Display" tab, click on "Conditioning Formatting", and click on "Add"
3) Check on "Disable this Control" and change the third dropdown box to "TRUE" under "If this condition is true" and click "OK"
4) When the condition is from another concept, you will need to update the first dropdown box by changing it to "Select a field or group" and then choose the correct concept/question for that condition.
Disable a text box when a condition is met
Example: How to disable a text box when "No" is chosen? When Answer No is chosen for "has the patient been hospitalized in the past year?", the textbox for "if yes, how many hospitalizations did the patient have in the past year?" should be disabled.
1) Right click on the textbox for "if yes, how many hospitalizations did the patient have in the past year?" and choose Text Box Properties. Click on "Display" tab, and click on "Conditional Formatting". Click "Add". On the Conditional Format Popup box, check "Hide this control".
2) Choose "Select a field or group" under first dropdown box in Conditional Format.
3) Click on "value" under the concept for "has the patient been hospitalized in the past year?"
4) Change the third dropdown box to "FALSE" in Conditional Format.