Simple Finance Module

Simple Finance Module


The simple finance module is a basic financial management system inside OpenMRS to manage the financial transactions of a clinic or hospital.

A hospital or clinic has various sources of income / revenues like government grants, user charges, donations etc. Expenditures of hospitals could also range from salaries of staff, purchase of drugs or other inventories, regular maintenance etc. There needs to be this single pool of funds, where all your revenues arrive & expenditures deducted. This module would help in maintaining this pool of funds.

This would present the administrative authorities with a better picture of the financial position of the hospital & help manage them their resources effectively & efficiently towards the betterment of the hospitals. Broadly this module is visualized as follows.


  1. Creation of various Categories of Revenue & Expenditure

  2. Creation of sources under each category

  3. Import user charges related details from the Billing module

  4. Differential Access

  5. Generation of various reports like Financial Status Reports, Revenue Vs Expenditure etc