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All reporting options in OpenMRS are provided via modules.  This page serves as a link to those different modules and a synopsis of each.

Reporting Module

(Recommended solution for all OpenMRS 1.6+ installations)

The Reporting Module (version 0.4.x) was released April 02, 2010. The Release Notes will include more information, but this version of the module basically provides a stable API for reporting, as well as a user interface that allows users to create and run aggregate/indicator reports, view indicator history, view pre-defined data set definitions, manage the building block reporting objects (report definitions, cohort queries, indicators, dimensions, etc). All of these features will be described in more detail.

Intended Usage

This module is primary intended for users who need to create period indicator reports.


Reporting Module

Reporting Compatibility Module

Intended Usage

Intended for users who have worked with the Data Export and Cohort Builder tools in past versions of OpenMRS.


ReportingCompatibility Module

BIRT Report Module

With respect to the BIRT Report Module, the code needs to be updated to support the latest version of the BIRT Designer, but otherwise it's current (as of birt version 2.3.2). The documentation on the wiki (install guide, user guide) is out-dated and requires a complete re-write with some screencasts. I don't have time for it at the moment, so I would be happy to have someone take that on (I'll help to provide oversight).

Intended Usage

This module is currently intended for technically-inclined users who don't mind writing their own SQL queries. The BIRT Module supports OpenMRS Data Exports, but most users will be more successful using SQL queries.


Jasper Report Module

Allows users to generate Jasper Reports from the OpenMRS interface.  Reports are backed by SQL queries.  This module is used with the OpenHMIS Cashier Module.


See Jasper Report Module

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