Sample FormEntry XSLT

Sample FormEntry XSLT

The following is an example of a default XSLT used to translate FormEntry data submissions from XML into a pipe-delimited HL7 message.

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Changes in 1.9.9

  • Added NK1 (relationship) segment encoding. Expects data in the following format:

<patient> ... <person_relationship> <person_relationship.person_relationship_type_id>5</person_relationship.person_relationship_type_id> <person_relationship.a_or_b>B</person_relationship.a_or_b> <person_relationship.voided></person_relationship.voided> <relative> <relative.uuid>6b0948af-1a55-11df-9b5b-8615d3e2f525</relative.uuid> <relative.identifier>00001MT-9</relative.identifier> <relative.identifier_type>OpenMRS Universal ID</relative.identifier_type> <relative.location>1</relative.location> <relative.birthdate>19470301</relative.birthdate> <relative.gender>M</relative.gender> <relative.given_name>John</relative.given_name> <relative.middle_name>Henry</relative.middle_name> <relative.family_name>Doe</relative.family_name> </relative> </person_relationship> ... </patient>

Changes in 1.9.8

  • Now escape strings (OBX text values) according to HL7 encoding rules The following condition for text (datatype ST) was added to handling OBX values

<xsl:when test="$datatype = 'ST'"> <xsl:call-template name="encodeString"> <xsl:with-param name="value" select="$value" /> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:when>using the following template<\!-\- Escape text according to HL7 encoding rules \--> <xsl:template name="encodeString"> <xsl:param name="value" /> <xsl:if test="$value&nbsp;\!= ''"> <xsl:value-of select="replace(replace(replace(replace(replace($value,'\\','\\E\\'),'\|','\\F\\'),'^','\\S\\'),'&','\\T\\'),'~','\\R \\')" /> </xsl:if> </xsl:template>

Changes in 1.9.7

  • Moved encounter/encounter.encounter_id to use PV1-19 instead of PV1-1

<xsl:text>\|</xsl:text> <\!-\- PV1-19 Visit Number \--> <xsl:value-of select="encounter/encounter.encounter_id" />

Changes in 1.9.6

  • added encounter/encounter.encounter_id to PV1-1

Changes in 1.9.5

  • Added support for subsections (observations can be one or two layers deep), allowing for forms to use subsections to better organize their observations. The "obsList" changed from...


Changes in 1.9.4

  • Added support for unique id (/form/header/uid) for forms that transforms into HL7 control id In MSH-10, we replaced...


  • The following was added to PV1-37 to fill HL7's Discharge To field with any value from /form/patient/patient.health_center. This is used during HL7 processing to update the patient's health center. Note: since all values entered from InfoPath's task pane currently use the format "123^Asthma" to emulate HL7 id & name separated by a circumflex (^), we strip only the first part — PV1-37 expects the 2nd component to be a date. We could consider translating the circumflex to a subcomponent delimiter (&) in the future if we want to preserve the location name.

  • To correct an error when encounter dates are manually entered in InfoPath (#265), lines of the form: <xsl:with-paramname="date"select="xs:date(encounter/encounter.encounter_datetime)"/>were replaced with...<xsl:with-paramname="date"select="encounter/encounter.encounter_datetime"/>

  • To correct an error with rounding up tenths of seconds, the XPath floor() function was added around the seconds-from-dateTime() and seconds-from-time() methods, e.g. seconds-from-dateTime($date)becamefloor(seconds-from-dateTime($date)andseconds-from-time($time)becamefloor(seconds-from-time($time))