Reporting Analysis
Reporting Analysis
Several tools can track the frequency and types of reports and indicators run over time. Data Sets can also be viewed individually without the compilation of a report.
These tools can be found in the toolbar under the 'Reporting' link. In addition to 'Run a Report', you will see the links 'Report History', 'Indicators Over Time', and 'Data Set Viewer'.
Running Reports
See Running Reports for details.
Report History
Report history allows you to track which reports were run and how frequently they were run.
Click the link 'Report History'. You will then see a list of the reports run, as well as when they were run. |
Indicators Over Time (Note: Not available in Reporting 0.7.0)
Indicator history allows you to track the use of a specific indicator in an interval of time.
Click the link 'Indicator History.' You will then see a dialog of parameters, including location and the date range over which you would like to track a specific indicator. Click calculate, and you will see a graph of the indicator use over time. |
Data Set Viewer (Note: Not available in Reporting 0.7.0)
The Data Set Viewer allows you to view data sets without compiling an entire report.
Click the link 'Data Set Viewer'. Select your DataSet Definition and Cohort on which to run it, as well as how many records you would like to view. A record is a member of the DataSet. The result is a list of the members of the DataSet, which serves as a preview before generating the complete report. |