Background and Terminology

Background and Terminology

Understanding the Basic Terminology

Report Definition

Report Definitions are the outermost layer of your report. They contain one or more DataSet Definitions, which contain the data for your report.

DataSet Definition

A DataSet Definition maps out what information will be in your report. It will directly contain the data for your report or will contain lower level components which contain the data for your report. An example of a DataSet Definition directly holding data is a Row-Per-Patient report. An example of a DataSet Definition containing lower level components holding data is a Cohort Indicator report, which has associated Indicators requiring cohorts.


Directly holding data (Row-per-Patient)

Indirect (Cohort Indicator Report)

Cohort Query

Cohorts are the building blocks of an Indicator Report. A cohort is a group of people who meet a certain condition or conditions. When one creates a Cohort Query, such as “number of pediatric patients on ARVs”, the result is a list of patients who meet those criteria (pediatric and on ARV).

Composition Cohorts combine multiple cohorts using the logical operators 'AND', 'OR', and 'NOT'. For instance, there is a cohort of people who weigh less than 30 KG and a cohort of people who are enrolled in the HIV program. You can create a Composition Cohort which returns people who are both in the HIV Program AND weigh less than 30 KG. You can also create a Composition Cohort which returns people who are in the HIV Program but NOT less than 30 KG.


An Indicator aggregates the members of a cohort. As a result, a Cohort Query must first be defined to create the cohort which the Indicator will aggregate. The most common form of aggregation is counting. Other aggregate functions include the median, mean, fractions, and logic expressions. For example, an Indicator can count the cohort "Males" and return 521. An Indicator can also return the mean “cost of transport” for a cohort of “tuberculosis patients”, provided the members of this cohort contain the “cost of transport” concept.


A Dimension is a filter that narrows the results of an Indicator, such that members of the cohort who do not meet the criteria of the Dimension are removed from the aggregate. For example, the question "Number of male pediatric patients on a first line regimen" can be made up of an Indicator that aggregates the Cohort “patients on first line regimens” while applying the Dimension of age and gender. A Composition Cohort Query that has everything in the Indicator (pediatric, male, and on first line) can be used, but Dimensions are helpful for reuse. For example, in a report with a question about female adult ARV patients, female child ARV patients, male adult ARV patients, and male child ARV patients, it is possible to create four complicated Indicators. However, it is easier to create just one Indicator, “on ARVs”, and then create the appropriate gender and age Dimensions, applied to each question as necessary.


A Filter narrows the results of every question in the entirety of a Report. For instance, applying the Filter "Not Exited from Care" to a Report ensures that no patient who is no longer a patient of the clinic ends up in the report.


Renderers output your report into a specific format.  Default formats include Excel and HTML.  There are five different formats that come predefined in Open MRS: Excel, HTML, CSV, TSV, and XML.  Indicator reports can also be rendered by the Indicator Web Report, which outputs a web report with links to the cohorts that answer each question.  Custom renderers can also be made, such as an Excel Template.  See Running Reports for more information.


Templates are useful for designing reports in a certain format.  One custom template is the Excel Template, which will output your report into a specified format within an excel file.  See Report Templates for more information.

Understanding Parameters vs. Fixed Values vs. Expressions


Parameters are values which are input at runtime and are then available for use throughout the report. For example, a Cohort Query might have parameters associated with it.  For elements that will be reused, parameters are useful.

See Using Parameters in SQL Queries for information about using parameters in SQL Cohort Queries.

Fixed Values

Fixed values are already stored within the elements of the report and cannot be changed at runtime. Fixed values are useful for elements that will be used only once or stay the same.

Example: Parameters and Fixed Values

Imagine having a report containing a question about the number of people who are in the HIV Program, TB Program, and Heart Failure Program by a certain date, which can be changed each time the program is run. This date would be represented by the parameter 'endDate,' passed in to the report at runtime.

The report will contain a Cohort Query representing each group of patients per question known as 'InProgramOnDate'. An Indicator which counts these cohorts must contain a fixed value to define the program to which the patients belong, and a parameter 'effectiveDate' to represent the date by which the patients are counted. The 'endDate' input at runtime will be passed from the overlying Report Definition to the DataSet Definition to the Indicator's 'effectiveDate'.


Expressions are similar to parameters in that they are placeholders rather than fixed values. Expressions allow you to define values that are relative to parameters. The parameters would then be defined in a higher level element.

Expression examples:

  • endDate-1m – One month before the parameter End Date.

  • startDate+2w – Two weeks after the parameter Start Date.

  • onDate-3y – Three years before the parameter OnDate.

Restricting By Location

Locations are stored in different places depending on the implementation of OpenMRS.  The three most common are:

  • Last Encounter Location - Use an Encounter Query to restrict by location.

  • Health Center - Use a Person Attribute Query to restrict by location.

  • Program Location - Currently not supported because this functionality is not widespread (only available in module form) until OpenMRS 1.8. 

Locations can also be filtered at many different levels in the framework:

  • Cohort Level

  • Indicator Level

  • Report Level

Either the Cohort, Indicator, or Report can be constrained to a specific location via  fixed value or a parameter.

Types of DataSets

Row-Per-Domain Object DataSets

Simple Row Per Patient

A Simple Row Per Patient DataSet returns one row for each patient, with details listed in the associated columns. There are four different types of information which can be included in the Dataset:

  • Person/Patient Properties- Examples of patient properties are Birthdate, Gender, GivenName, FamilyName, PatientID (internal), Dead. For a full list, see the OpenMRS 1.6 API for the patient object. Any method that begins with "get" is a property accessed by dropping the word 'get'.

  • Person Attribute Types- Available attributes will appear in a drop-down. Examples include Health Center, Birthplace, Civil Status.

  • Identifier Types- Available identifiers will appear in a dropdown. Examples include Social Security Number, Government ID, Health Program ID.

  • Program Workflow States-  Returns the patient's current workflow state as of the day the report is run. Examples include Treatment Status, Evaluation Status, Surgery Status.

See Building a Simple-Row-Per-Report for step-by-step instructions to build a Simple-Row-Per-Patient Report from within OpenMRS or Building Reports for Developers for instructions on how to build reports inside a module.


Here is where the description will go.

Indicator-Based DataSets

Period Indicator

A Period Indicator DataSet is useful for Indicator Reports with the parameters of Start Date, End Date, and Location. See Building an Indicator Report for step-by-step instructions to build a Period Indicator Report from within OpenMRS or Building Reports for Developers for instructions on how to build reports inside a module.

Cohort Crosstab

Here is where the description will go.

Cohort Indicator with Dimensions

This report is very similar to a Period Indicator Report but does not require Start Date, End Date, nor Location. See Building a Cohort Indicator with Dimensions Report.

Other DataSets

Data Export

Here is where the description will go.


Here is where the description will go.

Types of Cohort Queries

Cohort Query Types By Domain

  1. Concept: Defined and used to support strongly coded data throughout the system

  2. Encounter: Contains the meta-data regarding health care providers' interventions with a patient. 

  3. Form: The user interface description for the various components in a form.

  4. Observation: Where health care information is directly stored. There are many observations per Encounter. 

  5. Order: Things/actions which have been requested to occur.

  6. Patient: Basic information about patients in the system.

  7. User: Basic information about the users of the system.

  8. Person: Basic information about a person in the system, such as birthdate and gender.

  9. Business: Non-medical data used to administrate openmrs.

  10. Groups/Workflow: Workflows and Cohort data, such the program in which a patient is enrolled and patient state.

Cohort Query Types Non-Domain Related

Inverse Query

Do not use. Use a Composition Query with 'NOT' instead.

SQL Query

ASQLCohortQueryis definitely an option - you should be able to do this pretty easily using standard mysql date functions (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/date-and-time-functions.html).  it has to be of the form select p.patient_id from patient p, ...

Using Parameters in SQL Cohort Queries

Pre-defined parameters:startDate, endDate, and location.
Self-defined parameters: you can include the parameters in sql queries by using the notation of :parameterName. For example, you can set up enrollment date by using :enrollmentDate in your sql statement. Remember to choose the correct data type. In this example, the data type should be date instead of string.  If not, the program will treat it as a string instead of date, and you will not get a date picker for this field.  Also, those parameters cannot be part of the SELECT statement. Instead, they should be used in the WHERE clause.

Static Query

Description here.