HTML Form Entry Designer Module

What this module does

This module provides a WYSIWYG editor for the HTML Form Entry module. The HTML Form Entry module offers users a way to create forms, using HTML with some special tags for things in the OpenMRS data model.

With this module, the user can, with no HTML knowledge, create these forms, using a WYSIWYG editor, with helpful and easy to use widgets for entering those special tags from the OpenMRS data model.

Documentation / How-To

Installation Guide

User Guide

Technical Overview

HTML Form Entry module

GSOC 2011 Project Page


OpenMRS 1.6.x + needed

HTML Form Entry module - Designer Branch (Rev 22762, awaiting code review)

HTML Widgets module - Specially compiled (awaiting code review)

HTML Form Entry Designer module - Version 0.6.1 BETA (Rev 22800)


Designer View

Check how the WYSIWYG Designer replaces the HTML Textarea

Add Element Dialog

You have a palette of special OpenMRS elements at your disposal for form creation.

Element Editor

See how easy it is to add and edit your elements. The Designer will help you!

Release Notes

Version 0.6 - BETA (22/08/2011)


This module was developed by @João Portela and mentored by @Darius Jazayeri and @Daniel Kayiwa for GSOC 2011.