OpenMRS Planet-Updates App for Android

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About the App

"OpenMRS Planet-Updates" is a Mobile Application which has developed to get informed about All the news and updates from OpenMRS world easily at your fingertips!




You can Install the App from Google Play market now.
Download the APK from here.


Source Code

Open source code hosted at Github.

Usage of PhoneGap (HTML5 library) - Easily Portable to other Mobile Platforms.

This app has developed using PhoneGap (HTML5 library), so anyone who would like to port it into iPhone, WP7, Blackberry or any platform easily can be done!

Experimental-Builds for WebOS, Symbian and WindowsPhone

Experimental builds (done by using the PhoneGap build system) are available to Download here. Supports WebOS, Symbian and WindowsPhone.

Issues and Suggestions

Please contribute if you know a way to make this better. File an issue if you have any problems or suggestions.


This App has been developed by Harsha Siriwardena, collaboration with his Google-Code-In 2012 student Mark Klein.