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Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | Testing. Bug in dashboard core that is breaking widgets Still trying to release by Friday if we can get bug fixed Stephen follow up with Rafal on ?? Andela released bootstrap update on migration of the style guide - allocated some guys to spike on it and are waiting on Stephen to respond
Platform | @Wyclif Luyima | |
Internships | | |
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | 4 parallel streams of work: Cohort Builder Add-on Manager Observation Management Spiking on Bootstrap
Upgrade FontAwesome: https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/RA-1387 Secondary Stephen suggests for work tickets for patient flags to display some funtionality
pmtool | | Note that an OCL CI build was disabled because it's always broken Many community-priority tickets do not have any recent update ( Daniel Kayiwa to look into these.
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