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Reference Application | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | One show stopped bug that is being worked on in core and uicommons No additional feedback from testing - will push release to end of next week - December 8, 2017 Have Tendo and/or Stephen update roadmap page Stephen will follow up with Tendo to update the items on roadmap page as they have all been completed
Platform | @Wyclif Luyima | Wyclif follow up with Irene to give her some background info and how to get started as the release manager for platform Stephen is working to get an offer for Irene to be hosted at the METS Program office to leverage Internet there Released in 2.1.1 for core will be put up for vote in the community for a few bug fixes - Release 2.1.2
Internships | | |
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | Angela has new role to help guide OpenMRS team 8 people working on; finish up core builder, add-on manager Add-on Manager would be ready of platform 2.1.2 release. Cohort Builder may be ready for Platform 2.1.2 release.
DHIS2 Integration | @Sri Maurya Kummamuru | no new progress over the last week Maurya will follow up with James on items PIH is still doing manual transcription No one has got OpenMRS integrating with DHIS2 UgandaEMR is using a manual process: Use an app in DHIS2 to download an Excel spreadsheet Add the generated spreadsheet into ugandaemr custom reporting module with placeholder for data definitions that are to be filled Upload the generated spreadsheet into DHIS2 via the custom app in #1 above
pmtool | | Reference application build failing. @Daniel Kayiwa & @Rafal Korytkowski investigating |
AOB | | Terry working on format for Scrum of Scrums, will get it Darius this week |