2017-11-27 Project Management Meeting


Nov 27, 2017


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Sri Maurya Kummamuru

  • @Theresa Cullen

Discussion items







Reference Application

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • One show stopped bug that is being worked on in core and uicommons

  • No additional feedback from testing - will push release to end of next week - December 8, 2017

  • Have Tendo and/or Stephen update roadmap page

  • Stephen will follow up with Tendo to update the items on roadmap page as they have all been completed


 @Wyclif Luyima

  • Wyclif follow up with Irene to give her some background info and how to get started as the release manager for platform

  • Stephen is working to get an offer for Irene to be hosted at the METS Program office to leverage Internet there

  • Released in 2.1.1 for core will be put up for vote in the community for a few bug fixes - Release 2.1.2



  • Starting date for Google Code In - Tuesday, November 28


@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Angela has new role to help guide OpenMRS team

  • 8 people working on; finish up core builder, add-on manager

  • Add-on Manager would be ready of platform 2.1.2 release.

  • Cohort Builder may be ready for Platform 2.1.2 release.

DHIS2 Integration

@Sri Maurya Kummamuru

  • no new progress over the last week

  • Maurya will follow up with James on items

  • PIH is still doing manual transcription

  • No one has got OpenMRS integrating with DHIS2

  • UgandaEMR is using a manual process:

    • Use an app in DHIS2 to download an Excel spreadsheet

    • Add the generated spreadsheet into ugandaemr custom reporting module with placeholder for data definitions that are to be filled

    • Upload the generated spreadsheet into DHIS2 via the custom app in #1 above



Reference application build failing. @Daniel Kayiwa & @raff investigating



Terry working on format for Scrum of Scrums, will get it Darius this week

Action items

@Wyclif Luyima will post to Talk about 2.1.2 release decision 
@Sri Maurya Kummamuru following on with @James K on DHIS2 integration
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will follow up with Tendo to update the items on roadmap page as they have all been completed
@Jamie Thomas to follow up with Larry for an update on GCI