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OpenMRS Platform 2.2 | @Wyclif Luyima | Need to gather the items that we wanted in 2.1.2 but didn't get in there for 2.2 Burke stoked Platform 2.2 Planning discussion on Talk Maurya to help find release manager of Platform 2.2 once we know what 2.2 will look like
OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8 | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | April 2018 Stephen will poke around for potential release manager within his organization MPI going to be actively picked up in Feb - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/integration-with-openempi/11535/18 Stephen pulling list of ideas for Ref App 2.8 form OMRS17 into one list so we can flush those out more (probably after scrum of scrums)
Scrum of Scrums | Darius Jazayeri | Scheduled Thursday, January 11 @ 2pm UTC (9am US/ET) Terry still needs to get with Darius about the format for scrum of scrums
OpenMRS Add Ons | | |
GCI | @Ivange Larry Ndumbe | |
Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | |
SolDevelo | @Rafal Korytkowski | Deferred |
OCL | @Rafal Korytkowski | Deferred |
Follow up from the hackathon/conference? | | |
PM: Task List | | |
GSoC 2018 | | |