2018-04-09 Project Management Meeting


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Futerman

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • Jim

  • Valerio

  • Nicholas

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • Terry Cullen

Discussion items







Internships: GSoC 2018

@Daniel Futerman

  • 23 April: Accepted students announced

Sprint: Getting people to Platform 2.X

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Darius is proposing a sprint to help people upgrade to Platform 2.x (Mozambique tried to upgrade to Platform 2.x, but was blocked for various reasons)

  • Talk post

  • eSaude team will have 1 week to work on sprint (week of 7 May)

  • eSaude team would like to see; everyone on the same OpenMRS version, be able to use updated versions of the modules, need to be able to sync local servers

  • In May (during the week of the sprint) upgrade code base

  • Should reach out to Alejandro Ramirez who also wanted to upgrade to test Sync - Darius followed up on the call

  • Any OMRS devs able to be a sprint lead during this time? Maybe Daniel? Daniel say he can.

  • Darius will create a sprint page under 2018 Development Sprints

Internships: Rails Girls Summer of Code

@Daniel Kayiwa

Daniel not on the call today

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

Daniel not on the call today

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Design discussion today after this call

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • Samuel finishing up exams should be available starting this week

Sync 2.0

@Darius Jazayeri

  • @Tomasz Mueller working on it and will let us know if anything comes up

Scrum of Scrums

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Talk post

  • Wednesday April 11 (14:00 UTC) see more here

  • Darius will send email reminder

  • would be good to mention the PM call on Wednesday's call

Project Activities Spreadsheet

@Jamie Thomas @Burke Mamlin

Reminder Job Postings

@Jamie Thomas



  • leadership meetings moving to be more strategic and operational

  • Terry is working on agendas for these alternating working meetings

Action items