2018-04-16 Project Management Meeting


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Futerman

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • Wyclif Luymia

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Burke Mamlin

  • @Samuel Male 

Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet







Internships: GSoC 2018

@Daniel Futerman

  • 23 April: Accepted students announced

  • 11 confirmed slots filled in

  • working on a few others

  • Can we get a hold of students we believe would be a good match for projects before the have been accepted? Okay to reach out to about competitive projects and ask if they would be interested. in another if necessary.

  • Atlas project does not have a student - choice was snagged up when request was going out

  • Slots must be filled by tomorrow and projects will be assigned

Sprint: Getting people to Platform 2.X

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Sprint to help people upgrade to Platform 2.x (Mozambique tried to upgrade to Platform 2.x, but was blocked for various reasons) - Talk post

  • Darius will create a sprint page under 2018 Development Sprints today April 16

  • Daniel to lead this sprint

  • eSaude team will have 1 week to work on sprint (week of 7 May) and will upgrade code base

  • eSaude team would like to see; everyone on the same OpenMRS version, be able to use updated versions of the modules, need to be able to sync local servers

Internships: Rails Girls Summer of Code

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • waiting to hear back about projects

  • 17 April (April 17 acceptance emails go out

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • List of Andela Projects

  • Angela's asks; 1. Daniel alone can't provide responsive enough mentorship (need to clone him ), 2. They want better visibility of upcoming next work, for planning purposes

  • Spoke about this on the last leadership call

  • More mentorship

    • Wyclif to carve out some time to get up to date on what is happening with Andela work

    • Try to get community /dev/4 & /dev/5s involved in Andela mentoring, positioning Daniel more to provide oversight than doing it all himself (e.g. fellowships program for developers)

    • Add OpenMRS developers in implementations? (e.g. Like Angela devs in Nigeria to tackle implementer specific issues)

  • Visibility

    • need to make process of defining sprint more visible and lay path that is sustainable for a sprint

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • The progress is good currently, I’m sure we shall hit the release date as expected. Keeping track of the tickets bundled in the release.

    • Currently have no blockers.

    • As to platform 2.2, the community isn’t not actively involved. I made a post to the community for members to give ideas on making platform 2.2 better. No one responded. But apart from that, the community is working on the prioritized tickets of platform 2.2 which is the most important point 

    • Apart from coming up with new features and pointing out more bugs, The community can do better by the devs with required privileges to review , merge and close the tickets that are related to platform 2.2. This because a few tickets are closed and most of them are in status “Code Review”.

Sync 2.0

@Tomasz Mueller

  • Progress - Visit synchronization in FHIR module is coming to an end, Obs and Encounter have basic structure done in Sync module are

  • Blockers - no blockers

  • Community involvement - I may have some questions about Encounter - Visit relation in FHIR soon, who should I address it? (except SolDevelo guys)

    • Developer category of Talk for initial design ideas. If we need more discussion around design then Propose a Design Forum via https://om.rs/designtime

  • Tomasz confirmed he is the right person

  • Daily updates on this thread: Sync 2.0 Project daily stand-ups

Scrum of Scrums

@Darius Jazayeri

  • After action review on 11-April Scrum of Scrum (deferred to 23-April)

Reminder Job Postings

@Jamie Thomas

Nigeria Consult

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • impressed with the devs

  • needs seem basic for the technology

  • discussed Ref App vs. Bahmni for them to make a choice 




Action items

Jamie to reach out to @Darius Jazayeri to create sprint page for Platform 2.x
@Darius Jazayeri to create sprint page for Platform 2.x
Maurya to fill out dev stages information for fellowship program