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Internships: GSoC 2018 | @Daniel Futerman | GSoC 2018 Introductions sent out call to get blogs set up following up with Jeff about plant.openmrs.org also trying to get feedback from students on how they heard about this opportunity Need to follow up with Wyclif on his student coding begins next week Dan will be traveling next week so not able to join the call
Internships: Rails Girls Summer of Code | @Daniel Kayiwa | |
Internships: Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | List of Andela Projects order entry kickoff meeting today OCL for OMRS will start next week new developer starting tomorrow and Daniel will join him on OCL sprint so he isn't working alone (14 total) 1.5 months left for the team now but there would be other groups until order entry is done Prepare blog/announcement about partnering with Andela Angela would like a little more exposure to Java
SolDevelo / Sync 2.0 | @Tomasz Mueller | Daily updates on this thread: Sync 2.0 Project daily stand-ups
Progress - All the Visit and most of the Encounter and Obs structures are done and currently we are into debugging / fixing local errors Blockers - Can't get a registeredcomponent for synced visit Community involvement - More input on the blocker would be helpful. Expected to be ready for testing by mid-May
Need to think up approach for Sync to push data into the central server for Stephen to be ready to test
OCL | Jonathan Payne | Progress: Darius just kicked off a new volunteer development project to create an “OCL for OpenMRS” user interface Rafal has continued with performance improvements for OCL that will speed up and stabilize all queries related to collections and will support much greater scale All tickets have been consolidated into one GitHub repo to help us get to a place where community members can easily identify open tickets and consider contributing. Here is the repo: https://github.com/OpenConceptLab/ocl_issues/issues#boards?repos=122384560 PEPFAR is starting to build a new lightweight app to manage indicators and indicator mappings that uses OCL underneath — this is an interesting extension that is becoming increasingly relevant as DHIS2 users consider OCL to manage metadata
Blockers: Community Involvement: OCL is not great at community engagement and there are many ways that we could improve, from better user documentation, better technical API references, a new marketing website (e.g. based on WordPress) to let people know how to engage and where to get the software, etc. If there are members of the community interested in supporting any of these activities, that would be amazing!
Question: OCL for OMRS application what documentation to be produced? Probably not from OCL itself. |
OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8 | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | |
OpenMRS Platform 2.2 | @Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate | |
Sprint: Getting people to Platform 2.X | @Darius Jazayeri | Sprint to help people upgrade to Platform 2.x (Mozambique tried to upgrade to Platform 2.x, but was blocked for various reasons) - Talk post Darius ran into a blocker when setting up Jira board and will be working on it later today
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