2018-05-21 Project Management Meeting


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Futerman

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • Juliet Wamalwa

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • Tendo Martyn

  • Irene Nyakate

Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet







Internships: GSoC 2018

@Daniel Futerman

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • List of Andela Projects

  • @Jamie Thomas & @Burke Mamlin to ask @Wyclif Luyima to post to Talk asking for community developer assistance with TRUNK-5015

  • Need a person to write a blog post around Daniel's experience with partnering on Andela project (@Jamie Thomas & @Burke Mamlin can discuss strategy offline)

  • Ask product owners to come up with a near term deliverable (can we get to a release in 1-2 sprints?)

    • @Darius Jazayeri will do this for OCL

    • @Burke Mamlin will reach out to @David DeSimone to do this for Order Entry

Sprint: Getting people to Platform 2.X

@Darius Jazayeri

  • Sprint to help people upgrade to Platform 2.x (Mozambique tried to upgrade to Platform 2.x, but was blocked for various reasons) - Talk post

  • Darius ran into a blocker when setting up Jira board

  • A couple of folks from eSaúde are involved

  • @Darius Jazayeri will reach out to @Nicholas Ingosi on where he stands and planning to wrap up the sprint

SolDevelo / Sync 2.0

@Tomasz Mueller

  • Daily updates on this thread: Sync 2.0 Project daily stand-ups

  • @Jamie Thomas & @Burke Mamlin reach out to @Tomasz Mueller to see where things stand with SolDevelo / Sync 2.0

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • June 2018 release date

  • Will need more help from community on tickets

  • We reviewed current road map and updated status on each milestone.



  • Coordinate effort around internship programs. Have team around this, reuse materials, keep track on timelines, etc. (GSoC, Rails, etc.)

Action items

@Burke Mamlin will reach out to  @Jeff Neiman to get blogs for GSoC into Planet OpenMRS
@Jamie Thomas to reach out to @Jeff Neiman about working with @Daniel Futerman on a every-other-week tweet about a GSoC project
@Jamie Thomas & @Burke Mamlin will talk with @Wyclif Luyima to create a Talk post asking community developers for assistance with TRUNK-5015
@Jamie Thomas & @Burke Mamlin will talk about identifying a community member to help @Daniel Kayiwa write up Andela blog post
@Darius Jazayeri will ask for OCL to come up with near term deliverables 

@Burke Mamlin will reach out to @David DeSimone to come up with near term deliverables for Order Entry

@Darius Jazayeri will reach out to @Nicholas Ingosi on where he stands and planning to wrap up the sprint
@Jamie Thomas & @Burke Mamlin reach out to @Tomasz Mueller to see where things stand with SolDevelo / Sync 2.0