2018-06-18 Project Management Meeting


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • Mark Goodrich

  • Wyclif Luymia

  • Jonathan Payne

  • Juliet Wamalwa

Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet







Internships: GSoC 2018

@Daniel Futerman

  • First round of evaluations complete, all mentors and students filled theirs in on time, and all 12 students have passed the first round.

  • In touch with Jeff to tweet links to students' GSoC blog posts. This was planned to be done every 2 weeks, but suggest moving this to once a week, since there's only 2 months of coding left.

  • Otherwise, all on track

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • List of Andela Projects

  • currently have one group of developers working on OCL (5 devs)

  • no new group yet so checking on this (first time to have a week gap)

  • Person managing developers is transitioning (Kennedy)

  • Mark - PIH has contracted to bring on 2 developers to work on order entry

OCL Update

Jonathan Payne

  • supporting PEPFAR and publishing their indicators though OCL

  • would love to have open source mobile app for anyone to use - opportunity for people to get involved with this

DHIS2 Update

Wyclif Luymia & Maurya Kummamuru

  • Short version: created a fix which updates the current module to support ADX with disaggregation. 

  • Longer Version: we need to have a design/Architecture discussion to move forward with development for the community.

SolDevelo / Sync 2.0

@Tomasz Mueller

  • Daily updates on this thread: Sync 2.0 Project daily stand-ups

  • Synchronization of Visits via REST client was added Issue:

    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.8

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke and Juliet Wamalwa

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • June 2018 release date

  • Can see where things stand on the Technical Roadmap / Release Notes

  • Samuel had power failure today

  • Current do not have a good pool of volunteers to help with this

  • Daniel helping to work on tickets since he is waiting on new pool of volunteers from Andela

Discuss way to scale up JIRA infrastructure support

@Daniel Kayiwa

  • Had issues with JIRA today and was able to reach out to Cintia but worry about not having a back up for her



  • Darius on vacation - back July 2?

  • Interview process for technical project manager is going well and hope to have someone soon

Next week


  • Discuss way to scale up JIRA infrastructure support


Action items