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Internships: GSoC 2018 | @Daniel Futerman | mid-term evaluation ended last week mid-term eval videos have been posted to Talk - https://talk.openmrs.org/tags/gsoc2018-midterm would like to have a "celebration/acknowledgement" of what has happened in GSoC18 so it can be shared with the community in a more public fashion Plan for end of GSoC: Ask students to update their project page on the wiki with status at end of GSoC (if code finished & released, link to documentation and archive the project page; if still work to be done, describe what needs to be finished) Online meeting for students to do after action review Blog post listing each of the students/projects and describing/celebrating GSoC 2018 for OpenMRS Cynthia to work with Dan on developing plan/process on how to transition work from GSoC into community development (e.g., current status, additional work needed, estimate of LOE needed to complete the work, process for assessing projects for which if any are suitable; what pieces are needed like wiki page(s), JIRA project, road map, etc.; prioritization of the work)
Internships: Andela | @Daniel Kayiwa | List of Andela Projects team of 5 on order entry 2 under PIH 2 weeks time 3 rolling off of OCL and we will only have 1 5 more people to join next week (3 will join OCL to help do knowledge transfer) call for additional project ideas Cynthia to engage with Andela-- Daniel will arrange
SolDevelo / Sync 2.0 | Jakub S?awi?ski | Daily updates on this thread: Sync 2.0 Project daily stand-ups Currently waiting for digital square notice b award to restart our Sync2 involvement Have not heard from Jakub so believe there is no change as of 23 July 2018
OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9 | @Stephen Senkomago Musoke | Release scheduled for Oct 2018 Stephen will put out Talk post about ideas from Ref App 2.9 Three volunteers for release manager
OpenMRS Platform 2.2 | @Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate | July 2018 release date Can see where things stand on the Detailed Technical Roadmap Put out call for help on IDGEN-42 on Talk and Teno (tendomart) has taken it up Moses (mozzy) is working on TRUNK-5342 JIRA Wyclif has closed one of the other tickets
AOB | | Scrum of Scrums - Darius and Cynthia will talk about what these meetings should be like and when they should take place Developer office hours on Wednesday (11am- open uberconference to take questions and help people in real time
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