2018-10-01 Project Management Meeting


  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Jakub Trzebiatowski

  • @Suthagar Kailayapathy

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @Samuel Male 

  • @Cynthia Antwi


Discussion items

Project Activities Spreadsheet








@Suthagar Kailayapathy, @Sanatt Abrol, @Yusuf Karim

Internships: Andela

@Daniel Kayiwa

@Daniel Kayiwa to work with Andela to better organize issues in JIRA for releases/versions so people can more easily see issues by version and, just as importantly, for future versions. Sync 2.0 is a good example. Darius' primary interest is being able to better capture & track issues across versions (even unreleased versions) in order to more clearly understand backlog, when something should be done, etc.

Sync 2.0 (SolDevelo, Jembi)

Jakub Slawinski

  • Sync 2.0 is active again (lots of activity in Talk, standups, JIRA issues being assigned)

  • FHIR mapping discussion on Talk. Design call planned Wednesday (3 Oct)

@Burke Mamlin posted Tracking Sync 2.0 question on Talk. Will follow up on it

OpenMRS Reference Application 2.9

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke

  • Release scheduled for Oct 2018

  • Post on Talk about ideas for Ref App 2.9

  • @Stephen Senkomago Musoke said RefApp 2.9 will include features & bug fixes in included modules and will not have major new features in the RefApp itself

@Reuben Varghese will work with infrastructure (help desk) to ensure we have a CI plan deploying RefApp 2.9 to uat-refapp.openmrs.org (from openmrs-distro-referenceapplication) – assume latest release of each module
@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will touch base with @Reuben Varghese on preparing release with updated modules
@Burke Mamlin will work with @Stephen Senkomago Musoke & @Reuben Varghese to get uat-refapp running 2.9

@Stephen Senkomago Musoke will reach out to @Reuben Varghese to help get Release Issue Tracking for RefApp 2.9 moving forward

@Reuben Varghese will post Talk post asking module authors to confirm version to be released with RefApp 2.9 and to confirm that it is working

OpenMRS Platform 2.2

@Samuel Male and @Irene Nyakate

  • October 2018 release date (estimate less than a week of work left on remaining tickets)

  • Can see where things stand on the Technical Roadmap / Release Notes

    • Within a day or two of having tickets done.

  • Platform tickets were tentatively to be done last week. But still uncertain on status of a couple tickets.

@Samuel Male and will reach out to @Daniel Kayiwa to confirm status of remaining tickets.

Technical Road Map Process


PM tool


  • Try to look at this weekly.

  • Do we have a JIRA project for it? No.

@Burke Mamlin to create JIRA project for pmtool development



Next week




Action items