2020-03-02 Project Management Meeting
@Herbert Yiga
@ jennifer
@Daniel Kayiwa
@Yasas Gunarathne Kothari
@Moses Mutesasira
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
OpenMRS Reference Application QA process.
OCL for OpenMRS + Onboarding
Bugema Presentation
Discussion Items
Item | Who | Notes |
Ref App Quality Assurance | @Herbert Yiga @Christine Gichuki |
https://talk.openmrs.org/t/reference-application-2-10-snapshot-testing-sprint/26944 |
OCL for OpenMRS | @Herbert Yiga |
Documentation | @Herbert Yiga | Some documentation tasks have been identified and are ready for work. |
GSoC | @Suthagar Kailayapathy @Moses Mutesasira |
Bugema University Presentation | @Juliet Wamalwa @Herbert Yiga | @Herbert Yiga shared a draft outline for the presentation |
Meeting Time Update for DST | @Jennifer Antilla | Daylight Saving Time begins in the US on March 8, 2020 and will end on November 1, 2020. PM meeting times will now be: 8:30pm IST | 6pm Nairobi | 5pm Cape Town | 3pm UTC | 11am Boston | 8am Seattle |