2020-09-28 Project Management Meeting
Sep 28, 2020
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
1. Herbert Yiga
2. Grace Nakiguli
3. Tendo Martyn
4. Jennifer Antilla
5. Grace Potma
6.Dan Kayiwa
7. Sharif Magembe
8. Cliff Gita
9. Nsookwa IvanRegrets
1.GSOD updates
The technical writers are deligently doing their work guided by the mentors. They always give feedback concerning their progress every week.2.Platform release updates
The Rest module was released last week, although there are some blockers which must be worked on before the release of Platform 2. There are some updates on this thread https://talk.openmrs.org/t/build-standalone-failure/303184.OCL updates
OCL has been working on the API for the back end. OCL front end and back end squads have been working separately and ther is an idea of bringing them to work together, although they need to find out whether there is any technical barrier that may prevent them from working together.5.Reff app release updates
1. Unblock Sharif - pr merged https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-contrib-ansible-docker-compose/pull/46
2. Update QA environment - already up to date
3. The testing sprint begins today. Sharif will make a thread calling upon community members to get involved in the testing.
During this period, all testing will be done and all the bugs will be fixed. In the third week, there will be testing with the cucumber studio.
Squad Showcase - Oct 1 2pm UTC
There is a squad show case this Thursday, 1st of October. The PM team is expected to showcase what is being done in the Reff app, Platform release and documentation.RefApp update: Grace f/u with Sharif
Platform update: Cliff and Grace f/u
Action items