2020-10-26 Project Management Meeting

2020-10-26 Project Management Meeting


Oct 26, 2020


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects



Jennifer Antilla, Grace Potma, Juliet Wamalwa, Daniel Kayiwa, GraceNakiguli, Sharif Magembe, Moses Mutesasira, Cliff Gitta, Tendo Martyn



Review TODO's from last week:

TODO: Alpha release for people to test


1. Documentation updates

2. OCL updates

  • TODO: Daniel to review latest PRs and re-build QA

3. Reff app release updates (Sprint 2 kick-off - link to sprint board here: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=236)

4. Platform release updates (Testing plan? Implications for Rwanda upgrade?)

  • Platform was released last week by Juliet for 2.3.2 maintenance release, and by Cliff for 2.4 alpha, and Daniel has incorporated some of the fixes Wolf did. All files are on sourceforge other than standalone.  

  • People can't access standalone but nothing else blocked (plan is to eventually deprecate standalone) (standalone artifact is failing to get on sourceforge)

  • TODO - Juliet to announce 2.3.2 release w/ link to download

  • Rwanda Upgrade implications: some fixes needed but already included in 2.3.2

  • Cliff inviting community members to join in testing alpha - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/openmrs-platform-2-4-0-alpha-testing/30677/2

  • TODO - Jen & Cliff to i.d. tech leads at big implementations to tag for testing alpha (e.g. Nigeria, KenyaEMR - Anthony, ...)

5. Review builds, backlogs, and ongoing sprints in the new PM dashboard here: https://issues.openmrs.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=15650

  • TODO - Daniel to f/u on SDK build failing

6. JIRA change plan

  • Grace P to make a talk post calling out community members to checkout for Jira tickets that have been not reviewed for a couple of years and in case someone feels that the ticket is important to the project, he/she is obliged to make an update on the ticket or else it will go to the graveyard in two weeks. 

7. Time change plan

  • The US clock is changing. Jen is to find out how to adjust the meeting time accordingly and communicate on talk.