2020-11-23 Project Management Meeting

2020-11-23 Project Management Meeting


Nov 23, 2020


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Herbert, Jen, Daniel, Grace, Tendo, Cliff


1. Documentation updates

2.OCL updates
Trying to release MVP+ after some additional testing + UAT.

3. Reff app release updates
vulnerability modules need to be communicated to the community
Recommendation from Daniel: Compare the Release User Guide to the RefApp to confirm the functionality described there is indeed available and working: https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/docs/Reference+Application+2.11.0

4. Platform release updates
tesing the alpha 2.4.0 is on
Higher priority is to ask community members to test the RefApp 2.11.0 release alpha; that one is the priority due to security fixes 

5.Review builds,
All builds are successful

Ocl build was disabled by Daniel - Grace has f/u'd with OCL team
Grace to f/u w/ Infra team on slack about https://ci.openmrs.org/admin/systemErrors.action

- Jira use update re. RefApp - do same for Platform? Fix Version used to show work that has indeed been completed, *or* rarely also used for critical stuff we _really really_ want to include in that release