2021-01-25 Project Management Meeting
Jan 25, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Grace Potma
Jennifer Antilla
Grace Nakiguli
Tendo Martine
Herbert Yiga
Juliet Wamalwa
1.Documentation updates
2.OCL updates
- Release
3.Review CI builds
- Growth Chart currently under Add-Ons - should be moved out
- Quite a few projects have built successfully but are stuck on awaiting a manual step, which you can only see with expanding them - agreement that releasing to Maven isn't necessary regularly for all projects, but we can review as a PM Team which builds should be updated in Maven, say ~1x/month (to review next call)
4.Gsoc 2021 updates
- There are five admins for GSOC 2021 and they include : Jenifer, Grace Potma, Herbert, Mozzy and Suthargar and community members are free to reach out to any of them just in case they are need more information.
- ~14 projects available so far (11 if Security project is only for 1 person; Grace has contacted Isaac to clarify)
5.Pm dashboard
- Time of Wednesday Design Forums
- TAC joining going well, keep it up :)