2021-02-22 Project Management Meeting
Feb 22, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Grace Bish, Grace Potma, Edwin, Jennifer, Sharif, Herbert, Daniel, Juliet, Tendo
Documentation updates
Response from talk https://talk.openmrs.org/t/brainstorming-project-ideas-for-gsod-2021/32289
Rest API documentation project to be more technical, so it could generate the documentation by code directly
Extension of our documentation in form of How-to videos- Similar to reporting module screen casts
Getting started with QA testing, Getting started with Microfrontends- If we could create templates to guide squads which can develop their own documentation
2. OCL updates
Massive APi upgrade, testing is going on. To switch to a new API next week.
3. Review CI builds
4. Gsoc 2021 updates
Organization deadline is due Friday, OpenMRS has already submitted.
GSOC primary and backup mentors
Following up with the students webinar
To review projects from last year's GSOC https://openmrs.atlassian.net/wiki/display/projects/GSoC+2020+%3A+Switching+from+XML+Mappings+to+Annotations+on+OpenMRS+domain+Objects
5. Pm dashboard