2021-02-22 Project Management Meeting

2021-02-22 Project Management Meeting


Feb 22, 2021


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Grace Bish, Grace Potma, Edwin, Jennifer, Sharif, Herbert, Daniel, Juliet, Tendo



  1. Documentation updates

  • Response from talk https://talk.openmrs.org/t/brainstorming-project-ideas-for-gsod-2021/32289

  • Rest API documentation project to be more technical, so it could generate the documentation by code directly

  • Extension of our documentation in form of How-to videos- Similar to reporting module screen casts

  • Getting started with QA testing, Getting started with Microfrontends- If we could create templates to guide squads which can develop their own documentation

2. OCL updates

  • Massive APi upgrade, testing is going on. To switch to a new API next week.

3. Review CI builds


4. Gsoc 2021 updates

5. Pm dashboard