PIH & OpenMRS: Priority Opportunities

Meeting Wednesday 5/26 with Amlan Dasgupta (API platform product lead), Nick Frenzer (Implementation) and Danyele Homer (Implementation).

Presentation outline


OpenMRS summary, including scope of impact and development approach

PIH current OpenMRS implementation

OpenMRS value proposition - why its the system of choice for low resource settings

PIH and OpenMRS prioritization context

PIH site and global priorities for HIS (very general)

WHO Digital health interventions for health system strengthening

OpenMRS global roadmap and community landscape

Specific project opportunities


Be able to configure certain transactions or conditions to trigger and SMS and/or email message to clinicians.

Needs assessment from PIH internal research finding clinicians wanting to remove barriers to communication. WHO recommendations highlighted broader integrated communications as having an impact.

Problems to solve: 

Get info directly into clinicians hands without requiring them to access the EMR:  return of patient lab test results, notes etc.
Promote EMR use by increasing  engagement via messages that bring users back into the system

Type of work/expertise/scope

Connecting prescribing  and dispensing

Key gap in PIH EMR functionality. 

Refer to Laura Ms doc on multiple ways this would be valuable across programs.

Type of work/expertise/scope



Content and functionality requested by Rwanda and Haiti

Problems this solves

Type of work/expertise/scope