2021-06-28 Project Management Meeting
Jun 28, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Grace N, grace P, Jennifer, Daniel, Suruchi, Juliet, Herbert, Sharif, Ndacyayisenga, Ivan, Kdaud, Joshua, Philip
1.Discussing the change of the PM Team time
Tuesdays at 4pm EAT | 6am PT starting July 6
2.Dictionary Manager updates
3.Microfrontend updates
Implementers are releasing MVPs in the coming months:
AMPATH, PIH have switch modes that lets you see the new & old
Mekom will be migrating a Bahmni site to their new MVP
4..Documentation updates
Documentation Team meeting each Monday
Current focus is on improving the Guide for the New & Curious
Also have a Documentation Team board
5.GSOC 2021 updates
Have been tracking blogs & weekly progress reports using a spreadsheet
Some students have not submitted blogs & weekly progress reports
Herbert will share the spreadsheet with GSoC Mentors so they can support their students to submit both on time
Herbert will post a weekly reminder for students about submitting their blogs & progress reports. This will happen on Thursdays.
9.Ref App release updates
Blocked recently by server issue - Burke unblocked on Friday
Some PRs still pending review
7.QA Support Team updates
Working on e2e testing
Those doing manual testing should be focused on testing what isn't covered by automated tests
6.PM dashboard
8. Review CI builds