2021-08-03 Project Management Meeting
Aug 3, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
GraceBish, Kdaud, Juliet, Suruchi, Jennifer,, Tendo, Ivan, Daniel, Sharif, GraceP
1. Documentation
Good progress.
Reviewing the project page templates.
Discussed the sustainability of the guides- the different squads will be updating their guides.
2. QA
Improve the tests which are not yet running well.
Steps to writing the selenium tests. Daud shared a resource -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiKN2c6z37Q
3. Dictionary manager
Closing June sprint with some features like
Pick Concepts from dictionary in addition to source
Filter Option: Already added concepts
MVP for trusted content
Unit test for Organization
E2E test for login, create and edit dictionary
and will be focusing next sprint with enhancement like
Customization V1 based on resources provided by OCL team
Clear Content Review
Complete Unit test
Complete Automated Test
4.Ref App
5. PM Builds
Package Maven plugin
Html form flow sheet
Openmrs core 2.4
openmrs platform
Reference application
TO Do: Juliet to follow up Ian and Brandon to see that this is fixed.
6. PM Dashboard