2021-08-10 Project Management Meeting
Aug 10, 2021
Keep the pulse of current projects and releases
Plan for upcoming projects
Juliet, Grace N, Jen, Daud, Suruchi, Grace P, Daniel, Sharif
1. Documentation updates
Done: Project Page template and Guide for New & Curious
Now: Getting Started templates for different teams now underway
2. Dictionary Manager updates
Previous sprint complete, release complete: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/dictionary-manager-v-1-4-0-released-easier-concept-re-use-trusted-content-flag-and-more/34287
Now: Customization, QA framework
3. GsoC 2021 updates
All students on track to pass
4. 3.0 Frontend updates
3.0.0 Release aiming for August; focusing on bugs
5. 2.12 RefApp release
Blocker: https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/HTML-779 (Sharif to follow up with Herbert)
Issue: Exporting concepts (?)
6. QA Support Team
Legacy test fixing: 90% of broken legacy tests fixed and running on every commit and every merge; 4-5 still ignored.
New tests: Total = 5 new workflow tests
Documentation: How to run automated tests locally, How to run Dictionary Manager QA tests
Improvements to QA Dashboard based on business stakeholder feedback (to make easier to interpret for biz level folks)
7. Review CI builds & QA Dasboard
8. PM dashboard