2021-08-10 Project Management Meeting


Aug 10, 2021


  • Keep the pulse of current projects and releases

  • Plan for upcoming projects


Juliet, Grace N, Jen, Daud, Suruchi, Grace P, Daniel, Sharif

1. Documentation updates
Done: Project Page template and Guide for New & Curious
Now: Getting Started templates for different teams now underway

2. Dictionary Manager updates
Previous sprint complete, release complete: https://talk.openmrs.org/t/dictionary-manager-v-1-4-0-released-easier-concept-re-use-trusted-content-flag-and-more/34287
Now: Customization, QA framework

3. GsoC 2021 updates
All students on track to pass

4. 3.0 Frontend updates
3.0.0 Release aiming for August; focusing on bugs

5. 2.12 RefApp release
Blocker: https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/HTML-779 (Sharif to follow up with Herbert)
Issue: Exporting concepts (?)

6. QA Support Team

  • Legacy test fixing: 90% of broken legacy tests fixed and running on every commit and every merge; 4-5 still ignored.

  • New tests: Total = 5 new workflow tests

  • Documentation: How to run automated tests locally, How to run Dictionary Manager QA tests

  • Improvements to QA Dashboard based on business stakeholder feedback (to make easier to interpret for biz level folks)

7. Review CI builds & QA Dasboard

8. PM dashboard