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OCL subscription module | @Rafal Korytkowski | |
OpenMRS 2.3 | | Condition List: 1 June design forum on how should diagnosis relate encounter diagnosis and condition list? Emerson says @Shruthi Dipali will join the call. Web Framework: focus on what we are doing in REST. Would like someone from Bahmni team to walk through what the code looks like for web application on the OpenMRS side. (How is large angular architecture set up?) Vertical Packaging: will discuss on 20 May design forum. Administrative Functions: @Wyclif Luyima will demo admin UI on 18 May design forum Basic Order Entry: 13 May design forum Darius will show what he is building for Haiti Support for MariaDB: @Lluis Martinez has been doing some work on this - https://talk.openmrs.org/t/support-for-mariadb-looking-for-volunteers/1829/7
Platform 2.0 | | |
Distributions | | Bahmni: working with order fulfillment ( and line graphs (D3 java script library) PIH: have taken a small subset of registration module and reference application framework from Haiti and packaging it up for Liberia as a new clinic opens there we will be able to capture from the beginning and then add more clinical stuff later. Also working on outpatient care in Haiti. AMPATH: leaning more and more on REST and angular solutions based on REST. Jonathan Dick is in Indy doing brainstorming on ETL warehouse to be the primary interface for downstream systems.
Project Management? | | |