2015-06-11 Developers Forum
2015-06-11 Developers Forum
How to Join
- Quickly review previous meeting minutes (5 min)
- Spring 4 & Adopting Java 8 (what does it mean for core development, for module authors)
- Review next meeting agenda
OpenMRS Developers Forum 2015-06-11
Recording: (Audio) (Adobe® Flash®)
Agenda & Notes
- Review last week TODOs
- TODO: Created a ticket to add "rename a module" feature as a maven task that can be invoked by SDK command "omrs-rename newname"
- TODO: consider using grunt maven plugin to allow automated builds to easily issue grunt commands
- Spring 4 w/ Rafal Korytkowski
- Adopting Java 8 w/ Wyclif Luyima
- After Action Review
- What did you expect to happen?
- What actually happened?
- What can we do different?
- Preview next week
- WIP: PIH/Haiti Update w/ Mike Seaton
- Audio recording of the call: Listen online or download (available after the meeting)
, multiple selections available,