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OCL subscription module | @Rafal Korytkowski | |
Condition List | @Émerson Hernandez | 1 June design forum to define how encounter diagnoses should work with conditions (and condition list). another round of questions with implementation tomorrow 15 June design forum to talk w/ BA business use case and requirements. Also test against model to make sure OpenMRS can support this.
OpenMRS Web Framework | @Burke Mamlin | |
Vertical Packaging | @Burke Mamlin | |
Administrative functions | @Wyclif Luyima | |
Basic Order Entry for meds and tests | @Darius Jazayeri | |
Support for MariaDB | | @Lluis Martinez already tested the basic scenarios (legacy, embedded and reference application running on Tomcat). Next step is fgetting CI set up. Need to see if Cintia might be able to help coordinate. GSoC student @Nyah Check is willing to help where he can.
Java 8 support | @Wyclif Luyima | |
Upgrade Underlying Technologies | @Rafal Korytkowski | |
Distribution Updates | | @Vivek Singh will probably be asking about sync module due to some feedback Bahmni got lately This year we will want to start looking at interoperability for Bahmni to run along reference application Making improvements for clinician facing in Mirebalais PIH - Development of a "Core" system for Haiti and other countries - deployment of the registration/check-in form that "Core" system to a clinic in Liberia
How can the PM group do better? | | |