2015-06-01 Meeting notes


Jun 1, 2015


  • @Jamie Thomas

  • @Daniel Kayiwa

  • @Émerson Hernandez

  • @Michael Downey

  • @Burke Mamlin

  • @Darius Jazayeri

  • @Wyclif Luyima

  • @David DeSimone


Discussion items







OCL subscription module


  • Jonathan reported that OCL Module development can continue starting 2 June. OCL API expected to be in production the week of 8 June.

Condition List

@Émerson Hernandez

  • 1 June design forum to define how encounter diagnoses should work with conditions (and condition list).

  • another round of questions with implementation tomorrow

  • 15 June design forum to talk w/ BA business use case and requirements. Also test against model to make sure OpenMRS can support this.

OpenMRS Web Framework

@Burke Mamlin

  • Bahmni technical deep dive scheduled for 4 June Developers Forum.

  • would like to list out goals for the next few months on a design call - make sure we are feeding the GSoC students

Vertical Packaging

@Burke Mamlin

  • first step to packaging data is to introduce mapping of metadata (need deign time)

Administrative functions

@Wyclif Luyima

  • Wyclif has been been putting some tickets together

    Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  • Wyclif is designing a sprint

Basic Order Entry for meds and tests

@Darius Jazayeri

  • schedule a design call to look at visit note work that Darius has done

Support for MariaDB


  • @Lluis Martinez already tested the basic scenarios (legacy, embedded and reference application running on Tomcat). 

  • Next step is fgetting CI set up. Need to see if Cintia might be able to help coordinate.

  • GSoC student @Nyah Check is willing to help where he can.

Java 8 support

@Wyclif Luyima

  • need to get people to spike on reporting and html formatting

  • Wyclif will reach out to key module authors about how the switch to Java 8 may affect them.

Upgrade Underlying Technologies


  • Get upgrading hibernate on a design call to make sure module owners can weigh in on this

Distribution Updates


  • @Vivek Singh will probably be asking about sync module due to some feedback Bahmni got lately

  • This year we will want to start looking at interoperability for Bahmni to run along reference application

  • Making improvements for clinician facing in Mirebalais

  • PIH - Development of a "Core" system for Haiti and other countries - deployment of the registration/check-in form that "Core" system to a clinic in Liberia

How can the PM group do better?


  • Darius - need to be better about messaging our versioning, resources, startegy and our road mapping.

Action items

@Jamie Thomas will get an update next week from @raff on OCL subscription module
@Jamie Thomas15 min on an upcoming design call to coordinate what is happening around web framework for the next few months
@Jamie Thomas schedule a design call for metadata mapping
@Jamie Thomas schedule a design call to look at visit 
@Burke Mamlin will see if @Cintia Del Rio can help support others for CI on Maria DB
@Jamie Thomas schedule design call for upgrading hibernate to allow module owners to weigh in on this
@Burke Mamlin and @Darius Jazayeri will have a conversation to lay out a strawman for strategy and communicating the strategy to community