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OCL subscription module | @Rafal Korytkowski | |
Condition List | | |
OpenMRS Web Framework | @Burke Mamlin | 17 June design forum will discuss progress (coordinating various efforts). Darius need to follow up w/ Bahmni before next Wednesday about fundamental pieces of the Bahmni web framework to pull into OpenMRS wen framework
Vertical Packaging | @Burke Mamlin | |
Administrative functions | @Wyclif Luyima | |
Basic Order Entry for meds and tests | @Darius Jazayeri | |
Support for MariaDB | | |
Java 8 support | @Wyclif Luyima | |
FHIR Support | @Suranga Kasthurirathne | Need some design call time to discuss FHIR work and what version/s of the OpenMRS core that we want to support. @Harsha Kumara is going through the features of 1.11.x and then will decide when we should have a design forum.
Implementations | | Bahmni working on reports and templates working on relationships (separate clinical vs. personal) and gender (supporting other than M/F) internationalizing a java script, need to have Bahmni on multiple languages in the future - what is the best approach for a convo around this? suggest posting to Talk.
PIH newest EMR to be deployed in Haiti, testing in Mirebalais Mark created widget for observations to collect addresses new clinical dashboard (have visit based dashboard in Mirebalais) getting internal feedback now and then get field feedback - will report back to OpenMRS continuing to build new version of consult not for EMR - 4 long consult notes adult, adult followup, pediatric and pediatric follow up Ellen going to West Africa for check in for clinic in Liberia, also visiting Sierra Leone also looking at some work in Mexico